I am working on two projects currently, and if you click on the button below you’ll be taken to the Reset :: Relinquish :: Restore project. This space is where I will be supporting fellow survivors of pathological relationships, specifically survivors of relationships with partners who have what is known as a Cluster B Personality Disorder, such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder - the disorder of which I am most familiar - Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder. They are, as the trauma researcher and therapist Sandra L Brown, MA states, “relationships of inevitable harm.”

The Reset :: Relinquish :: Restore project is a project of hope, of moving on from these relationships, a repository of images and words that are markers for the survivors of these relationships that they have indeed taken the first steps into a new life. This will not be a space where traumas are detailed, where loss is retold, or where anyone viewing the contact can be in any way re-traumatized. The project is hope-focused, and future-focused, the intention being to inspire fellow survivors as they take their first step forward into stability..

In The Closing Times project, my focus is on the accelerating move away from organised religion, and the secularizing of society in general. And the most obvious indicator of this shift are the places of worship now being shuttered and either lying empty and becoming derelict, or those which find a new life as a family home, or as a bar or restaurant. In the main these quieting edifices are synagogues and Christian churches. To a lesser extent we also see mosques closing, but Islam is currently the only worldwide religion that is experiencing growth.

For this project, I am seeking to photograph the places of worship and willing congregants, and hopefully before the place of worship closes its doors for the last time. For many this is a time of some sort of positive change, of consolidation, of a shift to a new parish or church. For others, these developments are about loss, loss of faith, loss of a congregation, loss of the underpinnings of what they believed was known and stable about this world and the next.

And for fun, I have this project. I’m a people person. People have always fascinated me, their motivations, their fears, their penchant for violence, or not. And this human interest has been the driver of many of my passions, and, indeed, the focus of my careers to date. I’m increasingly shifting my photographic work to people, and more documentary material rather anything overly posed. This shift is relatively new, so please follow below for examples of my photographic work to date and onward. I may sell prints, etc., at some point. Maybe.

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