The Closing Times

The Closing Times is a project I started several years ago, before the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) pandemic. I had to bring it to a halt entirely, just as it started to gain traction.

My intention for this project is to document the impact on individuals - and, by extension, their friends, families, their towns, their villages - of the closure of local places of worship. As the United States begins to mirror western Europe’s rapidly declining levels of religious adherence, there is an opportunity afforded to documentarians to record these developments, and the ways in which they change both society and the individual within society.

This project was inspired by two events, the first being my own apostasy in my early 20s, after many years of questioning my faith, within a family of very devout followers of the Christian religion. I remember well the impact on me: a sense of loss, of anger, more than a dash of foolishness, and an enduring loneliness for some time after the full renunciation of religion.

The second is the reporting - by entities like PEW Research - a think tank based out of Washington, DC - of the rapidly declining numbers amongst us who identify as religious, and the rapidly rising numbers identifying as the “nones”, those with no religious affiliation. We are at a tipping point in religious practice worldwide, and I intend to document what I can of this. I will post here some of my own work, and I invite others to send me details of their experiences as their local mosque, synagogue, temple, or church enters its final phase, and perhaps share a photo or two that represents this moment in time.